lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010


the document's main idea is to show how immigrants make part of the canadian society and how this process has evolved through the history, knowing that immigrants are a driving force in economic, social al cultural life of Canada.

The canadian's migration process has changed a lot, at the beggining , before the economic boom that this country suffered, Canada wasn't a good destination for people, they preferred to migrate to USA or Briton than Canada. Also,Canada had a stron migration policy because they didnt wanto to allow lot of people to enter, they prefered that British and American were the only one who entered there.

After the big and strong economic expansion, the country started to deman higger rates of growth, there is when migration and immigrants from several countries arrived ( China, Italy, Germany, etc). After WWII, the migration policies became really flexible and gave the opportunity for more people to enter to the country, that's why people from Latin America, Poland and some other countries are showing that high rates of migration to Canada.

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