martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

the corporation

This movie shows how corporation have evolved through the histoy and how they have become one of the most powerful and biggest organization in the world, in some cases more powerful than some countries.

This filem is focused in some corporation's aspects like: comparing them with humans, show some actions taken ir order to increase their profits without considering the society and how soail responsability have became more important every day.

All those topics are really important and are good topics to talk about, but i would like to focus in the one that socked me the most, it was to see some actions done by the corportaion that were against the society but raise their profits. In this movei there are several cases about that, one of them happened in Bolivia where a foreign company got the control and rights over the water of a town, so each person had to pay if they wanted to use water fom rivers, even, if they wanted to use rain water, this situation was crazy because the people had no money and there is not right to private a source like water, this situatiin didn't last too much without conflicts, and unfortunately there were several victims and dead people.

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