domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Australia says sorry

Apologize is something of humans, who know and realized they were wrong and feel bad about it, but I don’t think it is useful, because they caused a lot of suffering to the children and families, they took away their babies without caring, they changed the babies and children name, they took way their roots, culture, family security, their country and their identity.

What else is needed?

The minorities need to feel protection, to have a government that encourage them to be what they are, because they are important as a minority, they don’t have to be as everybody else. They just don’t need excuses, they need to have the knowledge that it will not happen again.

Brazil, a mixed of cultures

Brazil is the most multicultural country in Latin America, and probably one of the most in the world. In Brazil, you can find German, Japanese, African, Spanish, Portuguese, Jewish descendents and others. Everything started with the Portuguese colonization of Brazil, and with the independence, the need of people to cover and protect the all territory, made easier the migration of millions of people from all around the world.

Now, Brazil has the biggest number of Japanese descendents outside Japan. The number of Japanese descendents in Brazil is bigger than countries like U.S.A. The Japanese culture makes its presence in the Brazilian way of living. Food, sports, companies, values, art and even neighbourhoods are examples of the Japanese traditions in Brazil. " Liberdade" the Japanese neighbourhood in Sao Paulo, is the place where the most of Japanese live, but there are also some other Asian as Korean or Chinese. There you can find a market where a big number of Asian products are available.

Arab Banking system

In the Arab world, the banking system differs from the western system. The Arab banking system is based on a set of Islamic principles, values and traditions. In the Arab world, the finance, commerce and economics are regulated by the Islamic economies which emphasize the encouragement of communal, non-individualistic values and fighting against selfishness.The basic principles are to share profit or losses and is forbidden a usury rate.

This kind of system totally differs from the one we have her in our country, and in the western world. It is interesting to know a different system that is doing well, but we have to be realistic, and is hard to apply this system in our culture because it changes almost all the ideas and concept we have.

Our culture is different and so do our values. We care more and more for the money and do not care about the other people, we prefer the personal achievements than the social one, there is not thrust between. For all those reasons, this system would be hard to apply, but nevertheless is important to study this new system and adapting it, making some changes in order to improve the one we already have.